Ember, from what I’ve read, is moving away from controllers in favor of components. But the documentation from what I could find doesn’t really describe how to perform similar functionality without a controller. What would be the correct way to do this?
As an example: I’m making a notetaking app. I need to create a new notebook (or note) before the logic can be handled by a component.
So if I were using a controller to create the notebook, this code works:
export default Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
return Ember.RSVP.hash({
notebooks: this.store.findAll('notebook')
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
defaultNbName: Ember.computed('notebooks', function() {
let notebooks = this.get('model.notebooks');
let defaultName = 'New Notebook';
let count = 0;
// append id to notebook name based on existing default names
let name = nb.get('name').substring(0, defaultName.length);
if (name === 'New Notebook') count++;
return defaultName + ' ' + count;
defaultNb: Ember.computed('defaultNbName', function() {
let nbName = this.get('defaultNbName');
return {
name: nbName,
createdAt: new Date(),
notes: []
actions: {
createNotebook() {
let nb = this.get('defaultNb');
let newNb = this.get('store').createRecord('notebook', nb);
newNb.save().then(() => {
this.transitionToRoute('notebook', newNb.id);
But without a controller I’m unsure of how to proceed. Using the example, what would be the correct way to create a notebook for the corresponding component to use?