How Ember suits large scale application than Angular?

I heard frequently that Ember suits large scale application than Angular. How you are claiming like this? Any proof ? How Angular not fit ?

Please provide any complex problem that Ember solved but Angular not.

Note: I am using Ember. I didnt try with Angular. I am in the situation to convey how Ember suits for complex application

One of the big deciding factors for my company was that Ember is very URL-centric, meaning that it can support very large complex navigation structures without breaking the back button or refresh button. Application state can be bookmarked and shared/retrieved across a network and across multiple users. Ember does this out of the box… I don’t have experience with other frameworks, but my understanding is that they require some extra more complex steps in order to achieve the same effect.

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EvilTrout has a nice blog post about it. I would say the one irrefutable argument that he provides is the bit about accessors vs dirty checking. Dirty checking is simply less efficient than using accessors, and at large scales, you will notice performance issues with it. If your page is holding a lot of models (like mine, which can have upwards of 500), Ember is going to do it a bit better. You can see a test of that here.

Not to say that Angular can’t do that, it’s just that it requires a bit of cleverness, while Ember does that out of the box.


Good point. But i am not sure this is arguably strong point to prove Ember supports large scale App than Angular.

lIt’s strong focus on conventions its a real competitive advantage. This lets developers ramp up immediately, and is especially useful with startups, since you ain’t got no time to spare anyway. Angular makes you homebrew a lot of solutions, which is far less maintainable. Lots more internal knowledge floating around.


I would say: structure.

Ember gives you much more in terms of structure, thanks to its router, conventions and container.

The router and URL support is a big one, Angular.js developers notice it and they want to go that way in Angular 2.0: The only difference is that Ember.js team built everything around great URL support from the start.