Let’s say I have a component that displays the next localized text:
Your score is 6
Using ember-i18n
and ember-test-selectors
it looks like this:
<div data-test-score>
{{i18n 'yourScoreIs' score=6}}
In the integration test I’d like to make sure the score is displayed correctly, but of the different assertions I can make none of them feels right.
assert.dom('[data-test-score]').hasText('Your score is 6');
// Breaks as soon as the translation changes.
// Also depends heavily on the chosen language.
// Assumes the given value is not part if the translation.
// For example, breaks if translation is changed to "Out of 6 attempts, your best score is...".
// Doesn't really test if the score is displayed.
One solution could be to mock the i18n service to always return the same value.
const i18n = Service.extend({
t(key, data = {}) {
let output = 'tStub ' + Object.entries(data)
.map(entry => `${entry[0]}=${entry[1]}`)
.join(' ');
return output.trim();
this.inject.service('i18n', { as: 'i18n' });
Then an assertion can be made to simply check if some translation is displayed and the right value is passed in.
assert.dom('[data-test-score]').hasText('tStub score=6');
What do you think of this solution? Do you might have an alternative strategy?