I am working on a habit tracking app. I start off with a list of habits. When a user clicks a habit, I want to creates a new event for that habit. I have the habits list working, but I am having difficulty with the creation of the new event.
To create a new event, I have this route:
App.Router.map( function() {
this.resource( 'new_event', { path: '/event/new/:habit_id' } )
} )
Then the associated router is:
App.NewEventRoute = Ember.Route.extend( {
model: function(params) {
return this.store.find( 'habit', params.habit_id )
setupController: function( controller, model ) {
controller.set( 'selectedHabit', model )
} )
To the best of my knowledge, the only place I can access the query params is within the model function.
The controller, then, is:
App.NewEventController = Ember.ObjectController.extend( {
init: function() {
console.log( 'init', this.get( 'selectedHabit' ) )
// Logic for adding a new event for the habit
this.transitionToRoute( 'events' )
selectedHabit: null,
The returned value for selectedHabit
in the controller init
is null