I was following this tutorial to get input in a language translation app updating URL, something like Google Translate does. But I don’t want every letter in the input box to be bound with URL, because user wouldn’t want to go by one letter back if he/she clicks the browser back button, better user experience would be if he/she goes to the previous word by one click - and that is what I am trying to achieve.
What have I tried: I added separate ‘value’ computed property which gets value from another ‘search’ property. Better to show code snippet:
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
value: Ember.computed('search', function(){
return this.get('search');
actions: {
filterByWord(param) {
if (param.length === 1) {
Then in template:
{{input value=value}}
I omitted the details but essentially, now if a user goes to the URL like “http://translator/english?word=ember”, my app will render the word and trigger the action giving the search result. However, if I click the back button, though it goes back to the previous url, it doesn’t trigger the action and, as a consequence, doesn’t update the search, because ‘search’ is undefined on route change.
So my question is - what is the best, Ember way to make my ‘search’ parameter to be bound with URL, but having more control over the value which goes to the query parameters?