How to fire change event on select input

The behavior that i want is when changing the select is to save it’s model

I though about using observable, but i have another problem

my view looks something like this

{{#each item in model.Items}}
<div class="select">
  {{view Ember.Select 
    prompt="Select Type"

so if i went with the observables solution, what i want is to also know the specific item that has changed to update it

you could set the value on the select and .observes('someProperty') from the controller:

{{view Ember.Select value=someProperty}}

or you could define an action on a select bound to change:

<select {{action 'save' on='change'}}>

To answer my own question

I asked this question in stackoverflow and got an answer from kingpin2k saying:

add the observer and selection on an itemController.

App.FooController = Em.ObjectController.extend({  
  watchType: function() {  
    console.log('this model changed', this.get('model'));

{{#each item in model.Items itemController='foo'}}
  <div class="select">
    {{view Ember.Select 
      prompt="Select Type"