I need to do create edit and delete operations in same route.
I am using two modal dialogues one is for create and one is for edit.
I need to do create edit and delete operations in same route.
I am using two modal dialogues one is for create and one is for edit.
If we assume a post
model create must be on the posts
route. edit
and delete
can be created on the posts
route as 2 buttons per row but are normally created on the post
but i need to create create and edit on same route. any idea plzzz???
On each row in your #each loop write something like this:
<button {{action 'edit' post}} class="btn btn-default">Edit</button>
You can than show the edit component.
but how to fetch records from saved data in edit fields, so that i can edit it and save back.
I need solution for how i can bind previously saved data to edit window for each record.