Ideas for Ember realtime transitions

We use ember 1.8 along with to make the transitions on the application look more like other mobile apps ,

However now we need this to work more like the “Tumblr” app where when an item on list is swiped the next view with details will slide over in realtime based on the swiping pattern ,etc that is more you swipe the more of the next view will appear and if you slide on opposite direction you stay on the same page.

Is it possible to do this in Ember or this kind of transition is not possible with our current app?

Please let me know if the question is not worded correctly.

We wanted to be sure this is achieveable in the ember before we try that route.

Checkout the ember addon liquid fire ( and the explode function and hero transitions. Basically you could implement a swiping gesture and already render the next view and if swiped far enough trigger a full transition into the next route. Something like that.

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HI @Eptis

Thanks for the ideas… I have to update my app to 1.10+ if i have to use liquidfire and I will do it for this reason.

I am reading on the explode/hero transitions

I will get back to you if i succeed.

We may end up hiring someone from ember forums evenually :smile: