Hi all,
I’m a originally a Ruby dev, but we currently have an Ember project that needs to be tackled. All the app does is communicate with one or our client API, so no backend on our part.
In order to authenticate with their API I had a look at GitHub - fenichelar/ember-simple-auth-token: Ember Simple Auth extension that is compatible with token-based authentication like JWT. and I think most of the concepts I need are there, but there are suttle differences on how to get it work with our client API requirements.
What I would like to do is be able to install Ember cli simple auth token inside my project, and amend it. It won’t need to be published on npm and can live in our internal repo since the changes will be specific to our clients.
If it was Rails I would probably use the Gemfile to point to a local version while developing and then point to a fork for the production ENV.
If there a way to do this in with Ember? Or even better for my scenario, is there a way to get GitHub - fenichelar/ember-simple-auth-token: Ember Simple Auth extension that is compatible with token-based authentication like JWT. intalled locally in my repo?
I’ve tried to put it inside vendor/ but the app doesn’t seems to find it.
Thanks a lot for your help.