What is the difference between
<a href="/requestdetails">Click</a>
{{link-to 'requestdetails'}}Click{{link-to}}
If both of them same, why we need link-to helper . Please assist me on this
What is the difference between
<a href="/requestdetails">Click</a>
{{link-to 'requestdetails'}}Click{{link-to}}
If both of them same, why we need link-to helper . Please assist me on this
What’s great with the link-to
helper is that you don’t pass the URL, but instead the name of the route. Consider this:
App.Router.map(function() {
this.route("about", { path: "/this-is-the-about-url" });
By using {{#link-to 'about'}}About{{/link-to}}
Ember will handle the correct URL for you.
You would also want to use the link-to
helper for passing models:
{{#each post in posts}}
<li>{{link-to post.title 'post' post}}</li>
…this would generate the link /post/123
(where 123 is the post’s ID) for you and bypass the PostRoute
´s model hook since you already have the post
model available.