is there any way to pass a promise not yet fullfilled from a template to an helper?
is there any way to pass a promise not yet fullfilled from a template to an helper?
What kind of Promise is it? What is the helper doing?
In the route i return multiple models with RSVP.hash() function. i would like to pass one of these models to an helper from the template. The promise seems to be unsolved if I use the helper. If i use a simple #each everything works.
The helper should print a select of each value of the model in a
The route will wait on all of the models inside the RSVP.hash
to be resolved before rendering the template, so something else might be going on?
You can try this https://github.com/fivetanley/ember-promise-helpers …
the route wait until all models has to be resolved, but in my template if i call an Helper and i try to pass as a parameter one of the models inside the RSVP.hash it seems that is still trying to getting. if I print the model inside the Helper the result is:
Object { __ember1501508259365: “ember555”, store: Object, _internalModel: Object, id: Getter, currentState: Object, isError: false, adapterError: null, OVERRIDE_OWNER [id=__ember1501508259365702189462658]: Object, _super: ROOT(), validationsMixinCount: 5 }
You need to provide us with the relevant bits of your code.
this is my route
export default Ember.Route.extend({
model(){ var store = this.get(‘store’);
return store.findAll('report').then(
var temp = record.objectAt(0);
return Ember.RSVP.hash({
reports: temp == undefined ? store.createRecord('report') : temp,
outcomes: store.findAll('outcome'),
seriousness: store.findAll('seriousness')
} });
{{radio-button-group model.reports.patient_age_group "patient_age_group" model.reports}}helper
export function radioButtonGroup([value, name, modello]) {
let arr = lista;
var out = ``;
if (name == 'patient_age_group') {
for(var i=0; i<arr.length; i++) {
out += `<label class="vertical col-6">` +
`<input type="radio" name="`+ name +`" value="` +
arr[i].valore + `"` + (arr[i].valore==value ? ` checked="checked"`: ``) +
`> `+ arr[i].nome + `<p>` + arr[i].descrizione + `</p></label>`;
In the template i pass the last parameter ‘model.reports’ that is one of the promises of the RSVP.hash, but in the helper if try to log in console that i see the result that i pasted above. I’m sure that the promises of RSVP.hash are fulfilled. Hope you can understand now!
With Ember Data the records aren’t plain JavaScript object, so printing them always shows a complex output. What you saw printed was an Ember Data Record, not a Promise
Try print modello.get('patient_age_group')
and see what you get. You need to use .get
on the model to retrieve properties as this is how all the relationship matching works