I’m wondering what is the proper way to use computed properties from a model in a view’s template? Consider the following:
App.Item = DS.Model.extend({
imageDefault: DS.attr('string'),
detailPic: function() {
var url = this.get('imageDefault');
var image = url.substr(url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
var thumb = 'lg_' + image.substr(3);
return url.replace(image, thumb);
App.ItemDetailView = Em.View.extend({
templateName: "itemDetail",
//adt'l view logic...
And here is the template:
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="itemDetail">
<div class="row">
<div class="pull-left item-detail-main-pic">
<img {{bindAttr src="detailPic"}}>
test: {{controller.model.detailPic}}
So with the code above the view “ItemDetailView” will retrieve the first item object selected from the ArrayController “Items” and properly compute the detailPic from imageDefault property. The img src bind-attr will reflect the correctly computed img src and the handlebars {{controller.model.detailPic}} will properly display the same link.
However, when another item from the ItemsController (ArrayController) is selected the
<img {{bindAttr src="detailPic"}}>
will not update, but the test handlebars {{controller.model.detailPic}} in the view template WILL update.
I’ve tried the following variations with the same results.
<img bind-attr src=detailPic>
<img bind-attr src=controller.model.detailPic>
What is the proper way to use computed properties in models in view templates? Or should it be avoided?