RestGen Micro Framework RESTfull

The goal of restgen is to provide a micro framework that helps you to write a RESTful webservice using NodeJs, Express, Mongoose (MongoDB).

This project was created because it was already too tired to write api `s projects.

I hope you enjoy

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Looks cool - I will give it and EmberGen a try.

I assume they are more or less made to work seamlessly together?

Yes, it was done thinking about it.

if you have any difficulty while using please tell me

I’m trying out restgen, and would also like to integrate with ember-gen. Combining the 2 projects would be hard because the generators create overlapping file structures, so it’s not clear at all how to merge together the generated files. And the other problem i’m having is with the rest syntax created with restgen. It uses .json format tag, but the ember data rest syntax looks like this:

Action   HTTP     URL
Find     GET      /people/123
Find All GET      /people
Update   PUT      /people/123
Create   POST     /people
Delete   DELETE   /people/123

It would be great if restgen syntax conformed with ember rest syntax! (ref: