Hei guys, how are u?
I’m having a hard time to figure it out a solution for my problem. I need return in my email page, only events that have more than one booking inside, and i solve using this piece of code:
export default Route.extend({
model() {
return this.store.createRecord('email');
setupController(controller, model) {
controller.set('model', model);
controller.set('events', []);
this.store.findAll('event').then(events => {
events.forEach(event => {
this.store.query('booking', {
'relationships.event.data.id': event.id
}).then(bookings => {
if (bookings.get('length')) {
The problem is: This code is async, so when the user loads the page, first he see’s a blank page, than my table with the data appears. I would like to avoid this “flash”. Is possible?