Route, query params and mixin

Hello, guys! I have implemented pagination on search results through query param, computed properties and mixin (it used in two places). It works almost perfect. Just one problem:

  1. User goes to first page of results (from zero page)
  2. User goes to another route
  3. User goes back to results (and ZERO page of results showed in spite of query param: pageNumber=1)

And even if I load page manually with query param: pageNumber=X, it always shows zero page.

But! On another route (with same mixin) all works fine.

Route with problem: ember-client/builder.js at master · drinkit/ember-client · GitHub & ember-client/builder.js at master · drinkit/ember-client · GitHub


Route without problem: ember-client/recipes.js at master · drinkit/ember-client · GitHub & ember-client/recipes.js at master · drinkit/ember-client · GitHub

I will be very appretiate if someone helps me with this because I stuck.

I think I found where problem is based. I added on search before this.set('pageNumber', 0); to fix another issue and it come back to me now =). Will think now how to deal with it.