When I switch the package.json to use a scoped NPM package name it breaks all my qunit rendering tests with the following error:
Failed to create an instance of 'component:json-editor'
If I edit index.js and change name to use the non-scoped NPM package name then the tests pass but I get a warning from ember-cli that the package.json name and the index.js name should match.
This is used on an internal work project so I don’t have an easy way to share the code. But basically if I change name in package.json from ember-json-editor to @vzmi/ember-json-editor then all my rendering tests fail with
global failure: Error: Assertion Failed: Failed to create an instance of 'component:json-editor'. Most likely an improperly defined class or an invalid module export.
My application test fails with:
global failure: Error: Could not find module `ember-json-editor/components/json-editor` imported from `dummy/components/json-editor`
Thank you, that is the fix. Sometimes the answers are obvious. Using it in the same repo I thought I was importing a file path rather than a package name without thinking about it.