Thanks for providing feedback!
I have some thoughts on each of your bullet points, and maybe you’ll be surprised? Idk.
Yes, the default layout is bad. There is work going in to fixing it, but that doesn’t help you now. Today, what you can do is use ‘pods’ and/or component co-location. Here is my side project, using pods (technically hybrid pods and classic):
Pods, along with componet co-location allow the js and hbs to live next to each other. Pods also allow the route/controller/template combo to live next to each other as well.
Not really sure what you’re looking for. Because there are all these: Ember Observer
- semantic-ui-ember
- ember-paper
(As you mentioned, but also: )
- ember-uikit
- ember-element-ui
- ember-material-lite
- ember-bootstrap
- and more!
And, fwiw, many companies roll their own, with custom styles using more generic componet add-ons, like,
- ember-dropdown
- ember-modal
- ember-table
- ember-tooltips
- and more!
I guess, if there are specifics you can think of, we can try to find where those gaps one and fill them?
Sure can! Some company work I’ve done is a little bit of this. Knowing where to steal code from is important, but also trying to see if any of the generic add-ons will help you get there faster is good. This could also be a perspective? The above linked project, uses shoelace-css, which doesn’t have an ember addon, because I’m too opionated about how I want my components to be built and how I want them to operate.
Sure can! I try to encourage people to submit PRs to these add-ons or libraries. Cause odds are if you found a bug, others have, too.
You say you’re still facing a ton of bugs, can you share what all you’re experiencing?
Also, are you in the ember discord? A lot of times, the add-on devs hang out in there. emberjs
What do you mean by this? Specifically no 3rd party libraries to back it up? If you’re talking about using 3rd party libraries, there is ember-auto-import, which let’s you import anything naturally as you would in any other Js Ecosystem (via webpack, but you don’t configure anything)
Have you used ember Octane?
Take a browse through emberclear ( the above linked project), and lemme know what you think. It’s all native JS now. (Though I’m using TS, but that’s easily stripped away, and ember’s primary focus is on the js experience)
Honestly, octane is such a breath of fresh air, it makes rewriting in another framework seem much much less worth your time.
If you have questions about octane, feel free to ask here, or in the octane discord channels