I worked out this method of server-side error displaying last night in my app, and I thought I might share it and see if anyone else had other solutions
Basically I’m expecting a JSON object that looks like:
errors: {
email: ["can't be blank"],
password: ["doesn't match confirmation"]
To handle it, I’m doing three things:
- Binding the form control-group divs to a computed property called hasFieldErrors for an error css class
- Binding the actual error content to an output computed property
- Assigning the returned errors to a property that the other computed properties depend on
My controller looks like this:
App.RegistrationController = Ember.Controller.extend
email: null
password: null
passwordConfirmation: null
emailErrors: []
passwordErrors: []
hasEmailErrors: Ember.computed.notEmpty('emailErrors')
hasPasswordErrors: Ember.computed.notEmpty('passwordErrors')
emailErrorOutput: (->
output = "Email "
for error in @emailErrors
output = "#{output} #{error}"
passwordErrorOutput: (->
output = "Password "
for error in @passwordErrors
output = "#{output} #{error}"
sendRegistration: () ->
self = @
self.set('emailErrors', null)
self.set('passwordErrors', null)
email: @email,
password: @password,
password_confirmation: @passwordConfirmation)
.done (response) ->
.fail (response) ->
errors = response.responseJSON.errors
if errors.email
self.set('emailErrors', errors.email)
if errors.password
self.set('passwordErrors', errors.password)
I’m pretty happy with this. How are others handling server side errors?