Should the Model section of the Guides have Ember Data references and examples removed?

This is what I find to be the case too.

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Since the docs arenā€™t ready, why donā€™t people read the code to find out what the interface is for the models? Yeah, itā€™s not ideal, but youā€™ll at least learn how Ember works from the inside out. Itā€™s what I had to do when I built our ORM that sits on top of Emberā€™s data bindings, and it really wasnā€™t that bad. Will this be acceptable long term? Of course not, but Ember has gone through some very rapid changes in the last few months, and keeping the docs in line with the rapid API changes up to RC would have been a daunting task even if they were being paid to build this, which they arenā€™t.

My point is, if youā€™re interested in using a framework, you should learn the internals as well as the utilization. Itā€™s only going to help you in the long run.

And a note to the core devs, a documented interface might be a good idea (I know JS is duck typed typically, but this might really help us devs who do really advanced things like building custom ORMs to work with). It doesnā€™t need to be fancy. Just the signatures and the expected return values would be more than enough for me. =D

Iā€™m building a fairly large reporting app using Ember.js and em-data. Due to the nature of the app, it goes well outside of the standard use-case for the adapters that come built-in with data, so Iā€™ve had to spend a lot of time reading the code to be able to write my own adapter. And letā€™s not even get started on the effort Iā€™ve had to put in to be able to write tests around my app.

What Iā€™ve found is that the code is extremely well-commented and pretty easy to follow. Ember and Data follow a very consistent structure, making it easy to find what youā€™re looking for. Github has also been a great source of information, between issues and developers leaving detailed commit messages. Overall, itā€™s a remarkably easy-to-read codebase, once you get over the hurdle that always comes with reading someone elseā€™s code.

I agree that once a library hits 1.0 ā€œread the codeā€ is not a suitable answer for beginners. I also understand that most people click links to the guides without much context, and therefore expect what any reasonable person would expect: this is the source of truth for this app. Unfortunately, with the speed at which they are moving to 1.0 that is not always true, and they cannot always get the docs updated as quickly as the code. Until they reach 1.0 and get more time/volunteers to put in effort on the docs, we need to be patient and rely on the other resources we have at hand.

One thing you can do is use the FixtureAdapter for development/testing and defer working with any remote calls until ember-data is more stable.

This way you can get used to the ember-data idioms without having to write your own adapter.

Oh man, I would love to, but the API still hasnā€™t solidified enough where docs wouldnā€™t get out or sync with code (or removed entirely).

Weā€™re sort of at an impasse based on the effort it would require. Replacing ember data with $.ajax in the guides is a lot of work, finishing ember data is a lot of work, writing API docs for data and keeping them in sync as the library changes is a lot of work.

In a perfect world of infinite time, weā€™d do all three. Right now, Iā€™m working on the getting started guide (which does use ember data at a basic level) out the door. Is this something I should stop in favor of one of the other tasks above?

So far we have:

  1. Read the source code. Check. I went one even better, I compared the current release with previous, thatā€™s how I found out that findQuery had been made private.
  2. Use Fixtures (hi Paul!). Check. It is good for learning, but doesnā€™t prevent general weirdness or bugs in ember data from giving you a bad day.
  3. Document the interface. Check. No one has the time. Maybe someone on the core team could at least create a skeleton for how the documentation should at least be incorporated in the Guides that others could start chipping away at. Iā€™d be happy to start adding bits and pieces, but I wouldnā€™t want to waste my time with a pull request that wonā€™t get merged or thrown away.
  4. People are just using it anyway, even though the label on the box says ā€˜MAY CAUSE DEATHā€™. Check. If this is the case wouldnā€™t it be lovely if those people could document their use cases, maybe even the model relationships and the kinds of queries they are running to at least define the edges of what works and what doesnā€™t?

Seems like the consensus is ember-data stays in the guides.

Iā€™ll throw my hat in the ring for the third time in this thread, that I am willing to work with anyone from the core team to make this situation better, mainly because Iā€™d need a pair to get started, and also I just donā€™t want to waste my time on work that wonā€™t be accepted.

Itā€™s actually worth noting that Tom and Yehuda have a plan for stabilizing a subset of Ember Data. This should make it much easier to get to the point where we can have something releasable and with good documentation.

@pwagenet it would be nice to get some of the vision communicated, like an announcement of what is being worked on for ember-data. I do not mean bring it up for public discussion (not by any means) but at least let the community know what is being worked on. It would give us a sense of where this is headed short/mid/long term.

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We could also remove data related information entirely.

Thatā€™s not a great option since most people are going to want to know how to solve these problems. It seems like the best route forward is to get a subset of ember-data stable ASAP so that we can, in good faith, tell most people that ember-data is actually a solution for them.


I totally agree in the long run, but today, tomorrow, and next week people are using guides and being frustrated. FWIW, I donā€™t think we can resolve the guide problem faster than we can resolve the ember data problem.

Let me enumerate the (count 'em, two) assumptions that Ember makes around data loading:

Your model class has a find method

If you have a route that looks like this:

this.route('post', { path: ':post_id' })

Ember will try to call App.Post.find(params.post_id). That will become the model for the post route.

Your model instances have an id property

If you have the above route, and you use linkTo or transitionTo with a model, Ember will try to fill in the :post_id dynamic segment by calling object.get('id').

Both of these integration points are documented in the naming convention guide and the routing guide.

I would definitely be open to adding the same information in a third place (perhaps a new guide on ā€œModel Assumptionsā€. Iā€™m sorry that you didnā€™t find this in your initial search for information about the integration.


Further to what @mspisars says - the idea of a subset is great! But there have been 0 (count 'em, 0) examples of explaining this vision recently from tomhuda, and every time this or other questions about future direction come up, Trek, Wagenet or another member of the core team defer to tomhuda.

I donā€™t want to be critical and I sincerely appreciate everything that has been done, plus the fact that Ember is totally free, etc. etcā€¦ But, for example, communicating in a blog post or on this forum will reach a lot more people than a presentation or discussion at a conference ā€“ something to think about.

(sorry for the weird user name references - I apparently canā€™t refer to more than one person in a post)

Agreed. We should be saying more about the plan. We have been doing the work on BasicAdapter in public, but I understand that that isnā€™t the same as a document explaining the high-level.

For now, you can take a look:

I guess there is no a cut and dry solution.

The main problem is that as much as we say Ember Data is not ready, it features very prominently in the literature. People are using it and they are being nudged in that direction by the Ember guides, yet they have no support beyond the basic examples in the guides.

Itā€™s your call what would be easier / more beneficial ā€“ an expansion of the Ember Data section in the guides or API documentation ā€“ but something more should be on Ember Data documentation.

What can I/we do to help?