Show loading page when saving model data

I have Route action that gets data from Component and saves it to the API server. Sometimes network is slow and I want to show message to user that app have not hangs, something is being done. Now since am basically in the same route, I guess there is no transition and so the conventional “loading” wisdom does not help here.

What can I do to show loading template when the waiting for model below to resolve or reject?


The Code

export default Ember.Route.extend({  
            this.user ='user', userInfo); 
  { // 
            }, function(error){ //error     
            }).catch(function(err) { 

Perhaps use a spinner?

There is a bug in my code so don’t copy that 1:1

Hi, My problem is rather how to do it. I already have template for progress indication but don’t know how to show it while saving model

I just kick the spin in the adapter and it will stop if there are no more updates.

not sure if this is the best way.

@broerse thanks for the code. Can you explain a bit on how I activate it in my model save? Is it possible to reuse my loading.hbs template *temporary transition to it) using your code?

Again thanks a lot

      var appController = getOwner(this).lookup("controller:application");

You can use a spinner and a isShowingSpinner variable to show if it’s visible in the template or not. Initially set it to true before saving then set it to false after save success.

export default Ember.Route.extend({  
    isShowingSpinner: false,

    actions: {
        signUp(userInfo) {  
            this.user ='user', userInfo); 

            this.set('isShowingSpinner', true);

              this.set('isShowingSpinner', false);

thanks @broerse and @rmmpaderes The solution work nicely.

I built an addon to abstract this away since it’s such a common pattern.

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Thanks for that! Its nice addon

You’d better clear the flag in a finally block, so that the spinner is turned off even when an error happens:

export default Ember.Route.extend({  
    isShowingSpinner: false,

    actions: {
        signUp(userInfo) {  
            this.user ='user', userInfo); 

            this.set('isShowingSpinner', true);

              this.set('isShowingSpinner', false);
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