Store.push(type, data) has been deprecated. Please provide a JSON-API document object as the first and only argument to store.push

I’ve just updated to ember 1.13.2 and ember-data 1.13.3 and I’m now receiving lots of the deprecation message mentioned in this post’s title. I don’t know what is causing it to appear and the Ember Inspector’s Deprecations tab doesn’t show me where in my code the issue is located.

If anyone can explain to me what the message means and what I need to do to resolve it I’d be grateful.


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Here’s the stack overflow post for more detail if anyone is able to help.

The issue seems to have been fixed by the recent ember-data 1.13.4 update.

I’m also having this issue, and updating to 1.13.4 did not fix it.

I did a complete reinstall of ember-cli rather than an upgrade as I figured I’d bodged the install somehow. That was what fixed it for me.

Hope this helps.