Upgrade from 2.12.2 errors

First time attempting to update the Ember framework, working through the errors, getting stuck with this one

{ Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat ‘E:\Git\Repos2\inggwebplayer\tmp\funnel-output_path-zqIBgAG5.tmp\ingg-web-viewer\templates’ errno: -4058, code: ‘ENOENT’, syscall: ‘stat’, path: ‘E:\Git\Repos2\inggwebplayer\tmp\funnel-output_path-zqIBgAG5.tmp\ingg-web-viewer\templates’ }

Wondering if I could be missing anything obvious here, there is a templates folder inside the app folder, so why is it complaining about this?

Any help would be appreciated here, we inherited this project in the Ember framework

Hi, try deleting your tmp directory in the project folder and rebuild?

Sorted, thanks for the swift reply

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