Using Rails Serializer in an EmberJS application for models

I’m using Ember latest and Ember-Data latest, along with Rails 4.2

I have these two models:

class DataSource < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :company
  has_many :deliveries

class DataSource::AsSubscriberSubmission < DataSource
  validates :company_id,
            :source_type, presence: true

  validates :source_type, inclusion: { in: ["First Party", "Third Party"] }

One is a subclass of the other, because I need to validate things in different contexts.

Here’s how I’m using the serializer:

class DataSourceSerializer < ApplicationSerializer
  attributes :id,

class DataSource::AsSubscriberSubmissionSerializer < ApplicationSerializer
  attributes :id,

The problem is that EmberJS is expecting this:

{"data_source":{"id":97,"company_id":1211,"source":null,"ad_server_name":null,"source_type":"First Party","pinged_at":null,"status":null,"username":"asdfasdf","password":"asdfasdf"}}

And the actual controller is giving me this:

{"as_subscriber_submission":{"id":97,"company_id":1211,"source":null,"ad_server_name":null,"source_type":"First Party","pinged_at":null,"status":null,"username":"asdfasdf","password":"asdfasdf"}}

Any suggestions?

Try adding a root 'data_source' to your serializer.

That sounds like it makes sense, but I’m not sure where to place that. Can you give me an example? Infinitely grateful!

class DataSource::AsSubscriberSubmissionSerializer < ApplicationSerializer
  root 'data_source'

Hope it helps.

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Thank you so much, worked like a charm. I really appreciate it!