Views, Components, nesting and {{yield}}

In a nutshell: Within a view, all sub-views can share the same controller/model — and then the markup gets simplified, because I don’t have to pass stuff as parameters. But I can’t use this because I need component’s {{yield}}.

Long story:

Here’s my “dream markup”:

{{#x-widget title='Widget title'}}

            {{! this widget's specific configuration }}

            <input type="checkbox">Option 1</input>
            <input type="checkbox">Option 2</input>

        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
        Aliquam magna sem, fringilla in, commodo a, rutrum ut, 
        massa. Donec id nibh eu dui auctor tempor. Morbi laoreet
        eleifend dolor.

This doesn’t work because of the isolation of components. They don’t see the underlying controller; all comunication between them has to be via parameters. So the markup ends up being like this:

{{#x-widget title='Widget title' color=color collapsed=collapsed editCollapsed=confBoxCollapsed}}

    {{#widget-conf-box collapsed=confBoxCollapsed}}
            {{! this widget's specific configuration }}

            <input type="checkbox">Option 1</input>
            <input type="checkbox">Option 2</input>

    {{#widget-content collapsed=collapsed}}
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
        Aliquam magna sem, fringilla in, commodo a, rutrum ut, 
        massa. Donec id nibh eu dui auctor tempor. Morbi laoreet
        eleifend dolor.

The problem is, I have 10 such widgets (so far) in my application. I don’t want to repeat this parameter-passing stuff in all of them. (What if this wiring changes in the future? I would have 10+ places to change. And test).

So, I thought about using views instead of components, but view’s {{yield}} is different. It has to do with layouts. If I understood correctly, layouts are hard-coded and you can’t have more than one level of nesting (can you?).

( EDIT: This last sentence doesn’t make much sense and is probably false. I have to make some tests and improve my understanding of this. Maybe layouts can solve my problem. Still, I think the suggestions below remain valid.)

Ok. Possible solutions to this:

  1. {{view}} should have a “component-style {{yield}}” (Suggested name: {{nested}}). Or – at the cost of breaking backwards compatibility: {{view}}'s {{yield}} should have the exact same semantics of component’s, and the current {{yield}} should be renamed to {{nested}}.

  2. Add an option to component to make the isolation optional:

var WidgetConfBoxComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
    isolated: false

##Related topics


I’ve taken this approach: Ember Latest - JSFiddle - Code Playground

Let me know if I missed the question.


No, you didn’t. Great stuff. Thank you!