I’m encountering a problem where my tests don’t wait for promises to fulfill before continuing. @stefan pointed me towards ember-testing-wait-hooks feature thats in the Canary release.
I build a prototype of a promise tracker that allows me to wait for my promises to fulfill before continuing with the execution of the tests.
Here is some key code from the example:
var PromiseTracker = Ember.ArrayProxy.extend({
newPromise: function(callback) {
// save a reference to it in the tracker and return a new promise
var promise = Ember.RSVP.Promise(callback);
return promise;
areFulfilled: function(){
// return true if all promises are fulfilled
return this.everyBy('isFulfilled');
// In real scenario, this would probably be injected into your App
App.PromiseTracker = PromiseTracker.create({
content: []
// waiter helper
Ember.Test.registerWaiter(function() {
return App.PromiseTracker.areFulfilled() === true;
Example test
asyncTest("Link-to with a promise using run.timeout in model", function(){
equal(find('h3').text(), 'Item');
equal(find('h4').text(), 'Color: red');
I’m going to write actual code into the ember-pouchdb test suite now.
Would love feedback.