Ember Wishlist!

Lazy Loading Resources

This has been discussed but just to put it on the list. As apps get bigger, there is more to load at startup. It would be great if parts could be AJAX loaded as needed, to reduce the initial load. I feel like this would be the responsibility of the Container. If something is unavailable, try to AJAX load it using a standard file structure (Ember-CLI Resolver). Convention over configuration, right?

Of course there needs to be a way to define what should or shouldn’t be “pre-compiled” vs AJAX loaded. And probably a way to define where the file should be, overriding the resolver.

Another feature could be pre-loading things; so when I visit page X and it has link-to’s to Y, load everything needed for Y. This would reduce the “wait-time” while routes/controllers are fetched.

More thought is needed on this one. One thing to think through is packaging a mobile app, making sure everything is included in that case.