EDIT: I asked a bit ago whether there is a nicely curated list of resources and plugins for ember, I didn’t find anything quite like that so I did some digging. Here’s the list I came up with:
Ember Simpel Auth GitHub - simplabs/ember-simple-auth: A library for implementing authentication/authorization in Ember.js applications.
JWT authorizer for simple auth: ember-cli-simple-auth-token - npm
Ember List View http://emberjs.com/list-view/
Ember Easy form: https://github.com/dockyard/ember-easyForm
Widgets http://github.com/Addepar/ember-widgets
Table Addepar | Open Source
Charts https://github.com/addepar/ember-charts/
Localization GitHub - jamesarosen/ember-i18n
Mocha Adapter https://github.com/teddyzeenny/ember-mocha-adapter
General UI components Indexia on Github
General Forms: Dummy
Ember UI components: http://emberui.com/
Infinite Scroll mixin: https://github.com/bantic/ember-infinite-scroll
Bootstrap for Ember: http://ember-addons.github.io/bootstrap-for-ember/#/show_components/wizard as CLI addon https://github.com/dockyard/ember-cli-bootstrap
Validations: Ember-cli-validations by dockyard
Cloaking - initially not rendering what’s off screen GitHub - eviltrout/ember-cloaking: Support for not rendering offscreen views in an Ember app for performance
Animate: https://github.com/gigafied/ember-animate
Transitions Liquid Fire: https://github.com/ef4/liquid-fire
Computed property Macros: https://github.com/jamesarosen/ember-cpm
Interpolate - a better way to make compound computed properties: https://github.com/jayphelps/ember-string-interpolate
Charts - Ember C3: GitHub - Glavin001/ember-c3: Ember addon library for C3, a D3-based reusable chart library.
Growl (flash) notifications - ember-cli-growl - npm
Working with XLS documents Bitbucket
Turning ember apps into cordova apps GitHub - poetic/ember-cli-cordova: A tool for creating hybrid apps using a combination of ember-cli and cordova
See if element is in viewport, trigger events: ember-waypoints - npm
Datepicker: https://github.com/Frozenfire92/ember-pikaday
Multiselect: ember-cli-multiselect - npm
Sass support: https://github.com/aexmachina/ember-cli-sass
Maps: Leaflet ember-cli-leaflet - npm Mapbox https://github.com/csantero/ember-cli-mapbox
Spinners: https://github.com/pogopaule/ember-cli-spinkit
Convert images to base64: https://github.com/moudy/ember-cli-base64-css
Async button aware of state of the http request https://github.com/dockyard/ember-cli-async-button
Calendar: https://github.com/bguiz/ember-cli-calendar
Cookie handling: GitHub - achambers/ember-cli-cookie: Wrap $.cookie in Ember goodness
File uploads: GitHub - benefitcloud/ember-uploader: An Ember library for uploading files
Drag and Drop https://github.com/zaubererty/ember-cli-dnd
Discover more:
npm search ember-cli
npm search ember-addon
bower search ember
Awesome list of Ember resources: https://github.com/nmec/awesome-ember
Ember Addons: http://emberaddons.com/
Ember Flare https://emberflare.com/entries
Ember WeeklyL http://emberweekly.com/
Big Learning project Balanced Dashboard: https://github.com/balanced/balanced-dashboard
Big Learning project Discourse: https://github.com/discourse/discourse