Ember 2.1 ember-cli

Hi everyone, following this tutorial i’m trying to use ember 2.1 with ember-cli. After I modified bower.json and run bower install i’m trying to test the application with ember server command. But i get this deprecation:

DEPRECATION: The `initialize` method for Application initializer 'ember-inspector-booted' should take only one argument - `App`, an instance of an `Application`. [deprecation id: ember-application.app-initializer-initialize-arguments] See http://emberjs.com/deprecations/v2.x/#toc_initializer-arity for more details.
        at HANDLERS.(anonymous function) (
        at raiseOnDeprecation (
        at HANDLERS.(anonymous function) (
        at invoke (
        at Object.deprecate (
        at visit (
        at DAG.topsort (

this prevent my application to work and I don’t now how to fix it.

ember -v
version: 1.13.8
node: 4.1.1
npm: 2.13.4
os: linux x64

DEBUG: -------------------------------
DEBUG: Ember      : 2.1.0
DEBUG: Ember Data : 2.1.0
DEBUG: jQuery     : 1.11.3
DEBUG: -------------------------------
1 Like

Same issue

ember -v
version: 1.13.8
node: 0.12.7
npm: 2.13.4
os: darwin x64

DEBUG: -------------------------------
Ember      : 2.1.0
Ember Data : 2.2.0-canary
jQuery     : 1.11.3
DEBUG: -------------------------------

Disable the ember inspector plugin and see if it boots?

That does allow it to boot, but the same error appears again as soon as you enable inspector and refresh the page

It appears to be an inspector specific error.
