Ember-cli build deprecation error

Hi i am running ember cli on windows ember-cli: 2.7.0-beta.2 node: 4.4.5 os: win32 x64

When I started server “$ ember s” it shows the following error DEPRECATION: Overriding init without calling this._super is deprecated. Please call this._super.init && this._super.init.apply(this, arguments); ember-cli-dependency-checker at Function.Addon.lookup (E:\ember\aviator\node_modules\ember-cli\lib\models\addon.js:987:27) DEPRECATION: Overriding init without calling this._super is deprecated. Please call this._super.init && this._super.init.apply(this, arguments); ember-cli-jshint at Function.Addon.lookup (E:\ember\aviator\node_modules\ember-cli\lib\models\addon.js:987:27) DEPRECATION: Overriding init without calling this._super is deprecated. Please call this._super.init && this._super.init.apply(this, arguments); release at E:\ember\aviator\node_modules\ember-cli\lib\models\project.js:408:38

Thanks in advance

Virtual Box + ubuntu Linux, so tunnel 4200 port and live reload port. It is best option to Windows users. I’ve been Windows user for long time, but to ember projects I run to my virtual machine.

This message tells you which addons have an issue with not calling super. You should upgrade those addons and/or get them to fix it.

This? Unable to run `ember init` after upgrading to 2.6.0 · Issue #5973 · ember-cli/ember-cli · GitHub