I am learning ember and my app versions are
DEBUG: Ember : 2.3.0 2016-02-02 10:23:42.418 ember.debug.js:6271DEBUG: Ember Data : 2.3.3 2016-02-02 10:23:42.418 ember.debug.js:6271DEBUG: jQuery : 2.2.0
I need to include ember modal addon in my application.
how can I implement it.
i installed it using
npm install ember-modal-dialog@0.8.3
and added
@import “ember-modal-dialog/ember-modal-structure”; @import “ember-modal-dialog/ember-modal-appearance”; to app.scss
then in application.hbs i added
{{#modal-dialog}} Oh hai there! {{/modal-dialog}}
but my ember app is not working
am getting
DEPRECATION: The initialize
method for Application initializer ‘ember-cli-foundation-modal-initializer’ should take only one argument - App
, an instance of an Application
this error