Does ember v3.25 supports modal-dialog

I just add a basic modal-dialog code to my web app.

{{#modal-dialog}} Hi! {{/modal-dialog))

But I got the following error

Uncaught Error: Attempted to resolve `modal-dialog`, which was expected to be a component, but nothing was found.
    at resolveComponent (opcode-compiler.js:234)
    at encodeOp (opcode-compiler.js:2583)
    at pushOp (opcode-compiler.js:2507)
    at opcode-compiler.js:2287
    at Compilers.compile (opcode-compiler.js:519)
    at compileStatements (opcode-compiler.js:2511)
    at maybeCompile (opcode-compiler.js:2490)
    at CompilableTemplateImpl.compile (opcode-compiler.js:2470)
    at Object.evaluate (runtime.js:3614)
    at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (runtime.js:1284) ```
I don't know how to clear this error.
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As far as i can tell it should work fine, but the error suggests that Ember can’t find the component. What version of ember-modal-dialog do you have installed? And what is the context? Is this in a regular app? Or an addon/engine?

Should be in your package.json. If it’s not in your package.json at all that explains why your Ember app couldn’t find it, in that case you’ll need to install it.

I guess it is definitely in .json packages.