Hi, Ember app kit is really a good starting point for any ember app. But in our application, the backend is delivered from expressjs app, and the fronend uses the ember app kit.
Here is the application that I am trying to build. [Source Code of the app][1] .
In my applciation, first i am building the ember-app then in express i am pointing that build-app’s index.html to serve. Its a hack but it works.
What I am trying to do is, while running grunt server it will run the express app which will deliver the ember app if that makes sense.
I also have created issue ticket on ember-app-kit repo [Stefan’s Ember-App-Kit Github Repo][2]. According to @stefan i should make an proxy to server , but seems to be it is not serving.
Any thoughts on this would be helpful. And finally @stefan thanks for the link to the connect configuration but I couldn’t make it running. [1]: https://github.com/shadow-fox/demitasse/tree/working [2]: https://github.com/stefanpenner/ember-app-kit/issues/237