I’m on windows and getting 10 second rebuilds with ember-cli with a blank project. I’m used to instant rebuilds and wasn’t able to find a solution and it seems that this is a known issue. Is there a good alternative for rebuilding that would still let me use the generator and add-ons?
version: 0.0.44
Livereload server on port 35729
Serving on
Build successful - 11261ms.
Slowest Trees | Total
CustomStaticCompiler | 1967ms
TreeMerger (appAndDependencies) | 1924ms
TreeMerger (stylesAndVendor) | 1788ms
TreeMerger (ExternalTree) | 1767ms
TreeMerger (vendor) | 677ms
CustomStaticCompiler | 647ms
I created a ramdisk (a disk that is mounted in the RAM, ultrafast ) and linked the tmp folder to it. I’m using soft perfect ramkdisk. But you might find other ones.
With this you also don’t stress the harddisk so much. But for release build i had to allocate 1Gb to the disk!! Even though my project only occupies 140Mb counting in the assets such as images etc.
It’s still not an instant build, but at least faster. Got down to 8s from 20s.
I hope this will be fixed someday
edit: I think i created a hard link to link the tmp folder: mklink /H <link\> <target\>
In our team we gave up on developing in Windows and created a Linux VM / Virtual Box. Works fine for us. A side-effect: we standardized installation and tooling this way.