the latest does not appear to be compatible with 1.0.0rc3 (Ember.RSVP.resolve is missing)
Is there a recommended version, “use latest” does not work?
Perhaps there should be a stable branch of data intended to remain compatible with the latest ember release.
I upgraded ember-data two days ago to the latest version and bumped into the same thing. I had to upgrade ember.js, too, to have the new promises API. I used the first commit that introduced it.
This is the header of my ember.js file:
// Version: v1.0.0-rc.3-74-gffad8ef
// Last commit: ffad8ef (2013-04-25 17:12:00 -0700)
And that of the ember-data.js file:
// Last commit: 308b13e (2013-04-29 09:29:13 -0700)
You can find builds of both ember.js and ember-data.js at
The upgrade path was not smooth after that but was not particularly bumpy, either. I had to handle the issues covered in
Hope this helps.
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