Ember Developer - Seattle, WA

The User Experience Engineering team at Avalara is looking for a passionate front-end developer to help us rebuild our product application suite on an Ember/Node platform. This is a greenfield opportunity in an established company with thousands of customers. We are using the latest Ember release, Foundation, node.js, and REST APIs.

You will be joining a team of experienced front-end developers in our office at Pier 55 on the Seattle waterfront. Avalara has a long history with Ember.js, having hosted the first Ember.js meetup in Seattle at the Pier 55 office.

This is a permanent position at a fast-growing, well-funded privately held Seattle company. The position includes stock options, benefits and a competitive salary. If you are interested please contact us at uxjobs@avalara.com.

For a more detailed description of this position please visit us here: Senior Web Developer