My models are using each other and for the serialization to be successful I need to add aliases, but this causes an error: The '<model_name>' alias has already been defined
My models:
// Directory model
App.Directory = DS.Model.extend({
parent: DS.belongsTo('App.Directory'),
children: DS.hasMany('App.Directory'),
files: DS.hasMany('App.File'),
DS.RESTAdapter.configure('App.Directory', {
sideloadsAs: 'children'
DS.RESTAdapter.configure('plurals', {
child: 'children'
// File model
App.File = DS.Model.extend({
directory: DS.belongsTo('App.Directory')
As you see when I load a Directory
) I send in the response other directories because they are in a relationship, so my JSON looks like
{ "directories" : [ directories ], "files" : [ files ], "directory" : currentDirectory }
To make this work I’ve added:
DS.RESTAdapter.configure('App.Directory', {
alias: 'directory'
BUT (here comes the problem), when I load a File
) object (the serialization includes some directories) so my JSON looks like:
{ "directories" : [ some directories ], "file" : currentFile }
I’ve get the error:
The 'Directory' alias has already been defined
As a workaround I could look for existing aliases, than if the alias is defined I would not add it. If someone got a tipp how to do that, please leave a comment!
Link to question on SO: