We recently made a significant shift in how we think about versioning in Ember, with RFC 0830: Evolving Ember’s Major Version Process. Starting in the current 4.0 cycle, Ember major versions will be 18 months long, running from the .0 release up to the .12 release, and then starting a new major version.
These days I plan for the long term of my application. So I greatly appreciate the core team’s self-reflection and making changes to stay true to these values.
We’re starting a new ember.js project, and we’d like to begin with version 6. I have a few questions, if you can answer or address any or all, that would be greatly appreciated!
i really have no idea but it only included deprecation removals and iirc the 5.x series was pretty light on deprecations. I’d expect it to be fairly stable and I haven’t see any major issues reported in Discord etc but that’s purely anecdotal, might want to wait for someone on the core team to respond
Again not 100% on this but I wouldn’t expect it to be significantly delayed
so far all I’m aware of is the release notes for the beta and anything marked with “until 6.0.0” in the deprecation guides for 5.x