Frustrated on starting a project

Every time I want to start again with Ember I am running into trouble. I’ve created a new project with Ember-cli (1.13.13). Then I tried almost every version of Materialize, ember-cli-materialize, ember-paper, materilzecss… Warnings, OK. But then I get: Can not download file from and the it starts giving errors. I just want to start with Ember, but now all my time goes in troubleshooting. Any advice?

your node version is not supported for node-sass, if i remember they dont have binary binding for node 5.1 on v.2.1.1, try use node 0.12.

Or just install ember-cli-sass and include the Materialize on your bower.json. :smile:

Could it work with version 4.x.x? Because node 0.12 isn’t available. Why are there no warnings. I spend a lot of time on that.

i mean 0.1.2. :wink:

Yes. I t is working now! Thank you.