Trying to create an ember project in version 3.10 with ember-cli-materilize and sass

I’m trying to create an ember project in version 3.10 with ember-cli-materilize and ember-cli-sass

I believe I have followed all the steps here (ember-cli-materialize) and here (ember-cli-sass).

My Environment

broccoli-builder@2.3.0, node@v10.16.0

But when compiling the project I get the following message where I can not understand what happened:

deprecate's meta information requires an "id" field.
project/components/materialize-badge.js: deprecate's meta information requires an "id" field.
in /tmp/broccoli-19759HqTYhOr2SY2e/out-160-funnel
at broccoli-persistent-filter:Babel > [Babel: project (Babel: project)

Based on this issue it sounds like ember-ci-materialize may not work with ember 3+. You could try ember-paper or one of the more modern Material-related frameworks, or if you want to use materialize specifically you could try writing some import code.

I’ve been working with ember-cli-materialize and Ember 3.5. I’ve started to see this kind of error after I’ve updated to Ember 3.6. Maybe you can create an issue in ember-cli-materialize repository in case anybody has some clues. I’ll be taking a look to the problem also :slight_smile: .