Hello folks. First and foremost I’m new to the whole Ember world. So yay to new challenges!
I’m coming from a world of Angular, and to make it short, very short, it’s just not for me and I’m looking for a new framework for home projects mainly.
How to I setup my first app? The documentation are old it seems.
I start of downloading ember.js and jquery.js and load those into a plain html document and I get a error:
Uncaught Error: Cannot call compile without the template compiler
loaded. Please load ember-template-compiler.js prior to calling
Alright I’m missing a file I think, but I cant locate the ‘ember-temaplte-compiler.js’ on the website. What is my move here? Am I missing something?
And how do the whole HTMLBars work? Theres no documentation on that either?
Thanks in regards!
** Edit: I would like to leave the CLI for now as it seems way to complicated at first.
I would also suggest Ember-Cli. Especially the blueprints (which create all needed files) and the many cli-plugins are really great. But why do you want to leave Angular for your home projects? I think the strength of Ember are coming out when you are building huge apps with many developers. So I think for prototyping, Angular is fine because it let’s you quickly build your ideas. But if you want to learn something new, welcome to the Ember community and happy learning.
I’m also coming from Angular and there is a lot to learn and rethink. So there are enough new things to discover and you won’t be bored
@krautman I use Angular both at work and at home, the main reason is to learn something new, and kinda like the templating abit more with Ember. It just seems cleaner and tent not to be so bloaty as Angular. Maybe I am wrong Will not find out if I’m not trying.
What is the CLI excatly? Do I have to run my application on the node server? I’m a .net guy aswell and have always been coupling Angular with the .net framework works okay, and I would like to do the same with Ember, but is Ember heading to be an only CLI framework?
When developing I just use ember server since it has auto reload and does everything I need it to do. You do run into some issues around cors since your api server and ember server will be on different ports on localhost.
There is absolutely no good reason to start a new Ember app today without using ember-cli. Every other build system is basically considered legacy at this point, and you will have a much easier time with ember-cli.
I realize some web developers cling to the old days when having a build environment was considered exotic and complicated. Those days are long past, and you will have a bad time if you insist on trying to hand-roll your environment. The example above of trying to figure out the right template compiler is a perfect example: ember-cli would have already handled that for you automatically.
A team at Microsoft is actively contributing to ember-cli, and we consider Windows a first-class supported environment, so being a .NET user is not a reason to avoid ember-cli.