Has anyone been successful in using Ember in an existing, traditional, round-trip, hybrid web app?
Some pages are given back by the server, while some we would want the client to render using Ember.
We initially thought to use Ember because we had a lot of js to write, a lot of js widgets in every page, and we thought Ember would allow us to work faster (eventually, after the initial learning curve), and also help us keep things organized.
Because our app is hybrid, we won’t be using routes on all pages, and we have been having a hard time finding any real examples that follow this hybrid paradigm.
Some have suggested to make a separate ember app for each page, but that seems a bit messy.
Has anyone else encountered this sort of use case and was able to use Ember successfully or did you have to resort to a different framework?
An approach I took a while back was to use the hash for routing(so it’s independent of the server side routing) and include the same app on every page that needed it. I then had a div for the ember app which specified the route that should be loaded initially i.e.
<div id="ember-app" route="admin/users" />
the index route then transitioned to whichever route was specified.
It’s a pretty light integration, you’re just telling the ember-app to start on a different route depending on which page is loaded. Probably because of that I don’t recall having any issues with this setup at all.