How Can I Add a Custom Addon to Consuming App

I’m writing an addon that abstracts out the UI elements for my team. The purpose is to have multiple Ember applications that all use the same style for buttons, panels, growlers, etc…

The problem I’m running into is that I have a dependency on ember-cli-notifications for growlers, but I want to fork that project to add functionality that I need (hopefully, I can get the changes merged into the main project but I need a bridge for right now).

Currently, I install the dependency in the addon’s blueprint:

afterInstall: function (options) {
  return this.addAdddonsToProject({
    packages: [

How can I install ember-cli-notifications from a github repo instead?

I know that with ember install you can use ember install<repo-username>/<repo-name>.git. I’m not sure if this works when using addAddonsToProject but I think it might.

I would try:

afterInstall: function (options) {
  return this.addAdddonsToProject({
    packages: [

Also, as mentioned in the Welcome to the Ember.js Discussion Forum:

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