Setting multipel models in a single route involves using RSVP.hash, which returns a recordarray object.
I can’t seem to grab a single record out of it.
model: (params) ->
modelActive: this.modelFor('personalities').findBy('type', this.paramsFor('personalities').activeType)
modelOther: this.modelFor('personalities').findBy('type', params.otherType)
In the controller, let’s say I try to access one model to do some presentation logic (e.g. uppercase-ing).
This is an array of objects. Let’s say I want one. this doesn’t repond to any of the methods .find .findBy .filter .then . It does respond to .get(‘firstObject’) but I obviously want to access other objects in the recordarray, not just the first one.
what’s the proper syntax to extract one record out of a recordarray?