How to pass the '$' is not defined error?

I just begin to test my app, and got many ‘$’ is not defined errors.
In the .jshintrc file, ‘$’ is in the predef array.
Do I have to use Ember.$?

  "predef": [
  "node": false,
  "browser": false,
  "boss": true,
  "curly": false,
  "debug": false,
  "devel": false,
  "eqeqeq": true,
  "evil": true,
  "forin": false,
  "immed": false,
  "laxbreak": false,
  "newcap": true,
  "noarg": true,
  "noempty": false,
  "nonew": false,
  "nomen": false,
  "onevar": false,
  "plusplus": false,
  "regexp": false,
  "undef": true,
  "sub": true,
  "strict": false,
  "white": false,
  "eqnull": true,
  "esnext": true

I use Ember.$ instead. And if you’re in a Component, always use this.$