Hi, I’m on ember-cli 0.46 and Emberfire. How would I access the ```firebaseproperty from, say, myinitializer/auth` file? I’d like to avoid defining a reference to my firebase twice.
My application adapter looks like this:
import DS from 'ember-data';
import ENV from '../config/environment';
export default DS.FirebaseAdapter.extend({
firebase: new window.Firebase('https://' + ENV.firebase_instance + '.firebaseio.com')
Thank you both. Perhaps I should clarify. My issue is that I’m defining the Firebase instance more than once, shouldn’t I be able to access the firebase property from other files somehow to avoid defining it twice? Even if Firebase unifies the connections.
The code I posted above already works, I’d just like to avoid duplicating a line of code
You should be able to define an initializer that injects the firebase instance on all controllers and routes, exactly as EmberData is doing with the store.