Ryan Florence's React talk - does not make Ember look very good

For Android on Cordova, ship with Crosswalk as the browser. It Just Works, and reduces potential issues.

We did ship with crosswalk, which is a chrome webview that has the same performance optimization bugs:


Chrome owned up and patched it, but it’ll probably be a while before we see that patch hit Crosswalk

I didn’t bother to watch Ryan’s talk, I’ve only seen the tweets, that well don’t seem to have weight, … I disagree with Ryan’s point on performance metrics.

I’d like to see his numbers in realtime for a production version that is live (that wasn’t built buggy too), I’ve been exploring actual metrics on my personal project. Collecting performance metrics using renderTemplate hook and User Timing API

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Announcement happened at EmberConf.

Stay tuned for Ember Glimmer :+1:

Oh man - feeling pretty excited about all the info I’m seeing out of #emberconf. Seems like the core team is facing this head on: https://is-ember-fast-yet.firebaseapp.com/

Clone of the demo app that Ryan made is available here: https://dbmonster.firebaseapp.com/