I am transitioning my app to octane, and it started to move really slow. I am not an expert with glimmer, but it looks like it renders the page even when nothing is changed.
I noticed that every 500ms ember simple auth tries checks the cookie. For some reason this loop, triggers a render for glimmer.
I am using ember 3.16.3 and ember simple auth 3.0.0
Is there a way to trace which properties are triggering this rendering?
I captured some performance profiles, maybe you can understand more than me.
The first thing you should look for is the use of observers in your codebase. Interop with observers comes at a pretty high cost, especially for synchronous observers. See RFC #0494 for some details.
I looked into the ember code, and I understood that the controller query params are implemented using observers. In the route setup method the addQueryParamsObservers method is called which creates a new observer for each parameter.