Using 'slug' as key

I am trying to use the slug as the primary key for my app and having no joy.

Using the code below I am getting the error → Cannot read property ‘slug’ of null, and it seems to be trying to query my api via the notices id, not slug. This makes no sense to me as I have gone as far as to completely remove id from sending and I am still getting it querying my api using the id not slug… ( yes I have cleared my cache )

If anyone has any ideas as to why this is doing this that would be great, it seems to work fine if I work by ID not slug but only for already loaded content.


   //Init Ember Application
var App       = Ember.Application.create();
App.nConfig   = noticesConfig; 

  rootURL: App.nConfig.rootUrl+'/'

App.ApplicationAdapter = DS.RESTAdapter.extend({
  namespace: App.nConfig.restUrl,
  headers: { 
   'Accept': 'application/json'

//Ember Routes {

  this.resource('index', {path: '/'}, function () {
    this.resource('single', { path: '/single/:notice_id' });

App.Medium = DS.Model.extend({
    filename       : DS.attr('string'),
    folder         : DS.attr('string'),
    extension      : DS.attr('string'),
    filePath       : function(){
      return App.nConfig.fileUrl+'/'+this.get('folder')+'/'+this.get('filename');
    notice         : DS.belongsTo('notice', {async: true})

App.Readership = DS.Model.extend({
    email          : DS.attr('string'),
    username       : DS.attr('string'),
    viewed         : DS.attr(),
    confirmed      : DS.attr(),
    notice         : DS.belongsTo('notice', {async: true})

App.Notice = DS.Model.extend({
    name           : DS.attr('string'),
    author         : DS.attr('string'),
    shortDesc      : DS.attr('string'),
    bodyContent    : DS.attr('string'),
    created        : DS.attr('string'),
    unread         : DS.attr(),
    media          : DS.hasMany('medium', {async: true}),
    readerships    : DS.hasMany('readership', {async: true})

App.NoticeSerializer = DS.RESTSerializer.extend({
  primaryKey: 'slug',
  normalize: function(type, hash) { = hash.slug;
    return this._super(type, hash); 

App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
    model: function() {
        var notices = 'notice', { type: App.nConfig.type, limit: 20 });
        return notices;

App.SingleRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
    model: function( params ) {
        var notice = 'notice', params.notice_id );
        return notice;