Emberjs documentation pages


I have written an Emberjs application and am going to write documentation for it now. I was looking at the documentation pages of ember nad they looked very nice to me. I was wondering if anyone knew how they generated these documentation pages. I see that they have jsDoc comments in the code, but with which tool did they generate html pages from this?


I donā€™t know what they use but we use yuidoc. There is an ember-cli package and it works great.

Thanks, I tried yuidoc and it seems to be working pretty well. Just some configuration.

Yes, Iā€™ve found yuidoc does a great job too. One of the ā€˜tricksā€™ I adopted was to use the @readOnly flag to denote a computed property. Another one I used was to keep Models, Components, etc. distinct by using i.e. ā€œ@namespace Modelsā€.

Does anyone have any good tricks for keeping actions in a different space that ordinary component/controller methods ? EDIT: I opted to add ā€œACTIONS.ā€ to the start of method names but I still think there may be a better way

Also, I was having a hard time finding a good example open source project that is heavily documented with yuidoc. Can anyone point me to one ?

If your code is on github, then checkout

Well, the Ember API Docs are :wink:

Personally, I denote my actions as @event. It may not be 100% correct, but it works fine.

Hereā€™s an example of how I implement YUIDoc:

import Ember from 'ember';

* The login controller shows the login form and sends authentication data to the session.
* @class login
* @namespace Controller
export default Ember.Controller.extend({

  * The session service.
  * @property session
  * @readOnly
  * @type Service
  session: Ember.inject.service('session'),

  * The identification, usually an username or e-mailaddress.
  * @property identification
  * @type String
  * @default null
  identification: '',

  * The password.
  * @property password
  * @type String
  * @default null
  password: '',

  actions: {

    * The authenticate action sends the identification and password to the session.
    * @event authenticate
    * @return undefined
    authenticate() {
      this.get('session').authenticate('authenticator:jwt', this.getProperties('identification', 'password'));


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