Hi and a path to Ember

Hi, my name is Giuseppe Caruso, and I decided to start learning Ember for my front-end needs. I would like to thank you all for the community I found here.

Finally, I wanted to ask you to suggest me a path to learn Ember. Where to start, what to ready what to skip, etc.

Thank you again,


Hello Guiseppe and welcome! (Also this is my first post too)

There are quite a bit of guides that one can follow, so I can understand your need to look for the best route, so I will share how I got started.

EmberJS Guides

These guides were a starting point from getting it installed and working with the fundamentals and basics.

Ember Screencasts

When then beginning go deeper into EmberJS, I found myself browsing through all the different videos for EmberScreencasts and eventually even paid the $10/month to get access to the more premium and specific videos available which definitely taught me a bit and also helped confirmed some other things I inadvertently learnt while working with Ember.

TodoMVC - YouTube Build an Ember App Part 1 - YouTube Prototyping an Ember.js App in 20 Minutes

The above Youtube videos were some of the videos that helped me understand Ember.js as a whole and how things were connected and how it all worked. And gave me an overall idea of the productivity that I’d be picking up on as I would move along with Ember.js.

Ember School

If you have some money to spend and time set aside, Ember School looks really promising as well. Its made I believe by the same person who did the EmberScreencasts website and I believe for what you’d be paying and for what they are promising in return is of great value - I am sorry however I haven’t gone that route personally so I cannot say anything about the actual course itself.

Biggest thing I learned about learning Ember.js - Find a problem to solve. This goes for any kind of development language really, but knowing what you want your end game to be helps you learn to use your language/framework/tool of choice more efficiently and will allow you to retain what you’ve learned.

I realize you asked for ‘a’ path to learning Ember, but having options isn’t a bad thing too, right? =)

Good luck!


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Hi @carusog, welcome in the Ember.js community. You can learn a lot while you are building a CRUD application with following this up-to-date Ember.js tutorial, hope it helps. :wink:

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